Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday September 15th

Hello you all,

Today is Sunday September 15th and it is now 3 am for you, so you're just getting ready to get up for church.. We had some touring today and some paperwork. Tomorrow we have medical trip and visa photos for babies, then some more shopping. Kinda fun!

You'll see in the photos today a picture of green bean pie offered at the McDonalds here. Not something we cared to try. Oh, and speaking of not-something-we-really-cared-to-try-.... was the roast pork we had for dinner. I was excited til I found out it was the whole pig staring at us, and only about 12 weeks old. :( Not our favorite dinner, but a delicacy here... :) We just smiled and resisted the temptation to partake.

Jenna is still having a little trouble sleeping at night. We think that she is used to sleeping with other babies and maybe feels alone in bed. She cries out about every 20-30 minutes. We have just been letting her cry herself back to sleep and this seems to be working.

Oh, and yesterday Shawn spotted a Starbucks. The first Starbucks since we got to China and this one is right behind our hotel in the middle of poverty... :) A sight for sore eyes to say the least. I've been indulging every since.

Love to all and we look forward to Friday..



Lynn said...

Hi Steph and Shawn,

Come on why didn't you try green bean pie? Jenna is very cute. I am glad she is doing so well. I'm enjoying the pictures but one of Shirley with Jenna would be nice.


Walt and Pam V said...

Hi Shawn and Stephanie,
I don't think I would do very well visiting a foreign country with the food issue. I have not had that opportunity and I am not a fussy eater, but I want to know what is in my food. It seems you may not know what you are eating so often in places like that. Anyway, you have my utmost respect trying new foods over there!! Take care and hurry home, we missed you in church today. It was a great service both morning and afternoon.