Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 13th in Changsha

Hello to all! We are still in Changsha until Saturday. Having a great time, but kinda relaxed compared to last time. Tonight we will go to a restaurant with some different food. After dinner we are going bowling with a few other families right here in the hotel. Tomorrow we will visit the embroidery factory. I want to purchase something from the factory since both of our Chinese babies are from the same province - Hunan- and this is what this province is known for.

We are travelling with a great doctor. His name is Josh and he is here for his second adoption. He adopted a little girl - 14 months- with no fingers on one hand. Josh is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. He is a very sweet man and has been very gracious to us.

We are anxious to get to Guangzhou. We are a little concerned about our luggage since we can not be over 45 pounds for each person. This will be a little tough. Hopefully we won't have to pay any overweight charges. :)

Let's compare Jenna with Natalia's China pictures. Kinda fun. What do you think? Are they sisters, or maybe cousins?

Looking forward to seeing all of you soon,
Much love and care


Walt and Pam V said...

Wow, what a great smile she has today!! She is so pretty and we are all anxious to have you all back home safely.
Take care and our prayers are with you all. And keep those pictures coming.

Unknown said...

Stephanie and Shawn
Jenna is a happy baby in this picture. We I think it is neat that the girls are from the same providence. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Thank alot for the pictures that and the work you put into the web pages to keep us updated with this wonderful news.

Basket full o' Plums said...

She's so sweet!! I love to see that little smile! She and Natalia look so much alike, you'll get the "are they 'REALLY' sisters" comment all the time, I think. Of course they're REALLY sisters, they have the same mommy and daddy!
Love to you (and Josiah, Amberlee, Jonathan & Natalia!!)
Laura & Laina

Josiah Vincent said...

she looks like she' getting used to you guys and she i o cute :).

Anonymous said...

Shawn, Stephanie & Shirley,

I thought I had lost the slip of paper Shirley gave me a couple weeks ago with your blog address on it, but I finally found it today while cleaning my desk (yes, it is messy, but that's another story!) We were so excited to read about your trip and see all your pictures. Jennavive is such a cutie! We think she will fit into your family just wonderfully! It's exciting, I am sure for you to see all the changes and progress she is making every day. We continue to pray for your safe passage while still in China and for a safe journey back to the U.S. We are looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

Love and prayers...Paula & John Poletto