Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Paperwork and Hotel

Here is a picture of our paperwork that makes Jennavive ours. At least, as far as China is concerned. We still have US paperwork to do, but that is in a different city.

Also, here are some pictures of the hotel we are in right now. I was so impressed with the chandelier, that I thought people might enjoy seeing it.



Unknown said...

Stephanie and Shawn
The pictures are great. Jenna looks like she is so big sitting at the table. Tell mom hi for us and you all have a good time together. Love you Sharon and family.

All4ds said...

Natalia is waving at each photo and saying HI!
She sends her love and kisses

Stephen Dickey said...

Steph, I really like this pic, I'm pretty sure that she looks a little like me in this pic. Amazing to see the family resemblance. (-: Hope to see you soon