Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Lord's Day

Hello and hope all is well with all of you. We're not doing too well updating all of you, but wanted to just sit down a minute and let you know how much we love you all and miss you. We are SOOO ready to come home now. Mom will remember how hard it was last time to get through the last week since there is literally nothing happening. You just go out and shop for a little bit and then come back to the hotel and then run to McDonalds and then back to the hotel.

While we're bored... we're looking for a few things to keep us busy. We may try to walk along the pearl river tomorrow or the next day. There is also a nightly circus. We MAY do this, but it is kinda expensive for all of us 7 to go, so we haven't decided yet.
Steve, you will appreciate the one picture as it is of Jonathan and I doing "zing, zing, zing"... He's pretty good, but not as good as you and I were in grade school. :)

Just posting a few pictures of our room and the happenings here.. We're eating a lot of cup-of-noodles. I skipped dinner tonight cause I think my tummy is tired of McDonalds and cup-o-noodles. Need a break. :(

Please pray for the upcoming week. A few more government things to still happen. Monday is a holiday, so that is why we have to stay until Friday to complete things, but it will happen and before you know it we'll be in Hong Kong with Thompson and then on our way back home.

The girls are doing ok. I think #2 is having a little more trouble than #1, but it will just take some time. A lot of water has gone under the bridge already and trust needs to be built. :)

Love to all,


Keith said...

swimming! Keith & Julie went swimming every day. Are you at the White Swan? Great pool(s). We had a pool at all the hotels we stayed at.
-- Val

Rebekah said...

I hope you are able to fill the coming week with activity and keep a handle on everything. The circus sounds like fun, applicable too. I usually feel like the ringmaster who has lost control over the crowd, lions and clowns at this point in the trip and just can't what for the show to be over so I can relax in my very PRIVATE trailer. I will continue to pray for you as you make adjustments. It takes a lot of patients on your part and courage for them to learn to trust and love someone. It must be plane to both of them that you are the only choice available to them that has a future but I am confident that in the future both of them will tell you that your the only choice they ever wanted. Love and prayer to all on this Lords day. Rebekah

Unknown said...

hey Am!
I just wanted to say hi and I
can't wait to see you.
well I better go,cause frisky just drooled ALL over me.Nasty!
